Tequila Zombies: curious, obvious and unexpected facts

  • Miguel Tequila, Zombie Trejo, Zombie Tarantino and Vampire Nurse — you can meet these characters in each game of the series. Mutant with claws can be found in each part too, but he is different in every game.

Mutant evolution

  • The name of the main character was Miguel Amigo in the beginning.
  • The second character appeared in the second part. We decided that it should be a female-cop. Our GD offered Jacqueline name for this character, but for some reason he wrote it as Jaqueline. and it turned out that it is a Portugal version of this name. So Jaqueline got her second name Madeira, because we wanted to continue the tradition of alcohol second names. Jaqueline is from Brazil.
  • Surnames of the main characters of the series are liquor’s titles. If there were a Russian character, his name would be Peter Vodkin. Or maybe Vasiliy Smirnoff.%)
  • If Tequila Zombie would ever become a trash-movie, like it should, Miguel would be played by Larry Bishop.

I realized that Larry looks totally like IRL Miguel somewhere in the middle of Tequila Zombies 2 development.

  • All super-powers in Tequila Zombies 3 are named after alcoholic cocktails
  • Miguel Tequila’s shirt was initially green.
  • There was an uncensored version of Tequila Zombies, where demon-waitress and demon-nurse have naked breasts. Censored version appeared after NotDoppler asked to remove nudity because his portal age rating is 13+. Miniclip version has green blood.

The first art sketch for Tequila Zombies. MP-40, dual desert eagle and guitar launcher weapons didn’t make it to the release.
Vampire-female became the prototype for demon-waitress and demon-nurse and got horns.

  • Zombotron and Shank games influenced the art style of Tequila Zombies a lot.
  • The game action happens from dusk till dawn.
  • The gameplay of the first part is almost an exact copy of Zombocalypse game.

Zombocalypse game screenshot

  • The label of Tequila Zombies liquor was designed a year after Tequila Zombies 3 release. The liquor itself is yet to come 😉

Tequila Zombies Gold label

  • Most followers of the official Tequila Zombies Facebook page are from Latin America
  • The main music references for the series were always Tito&Tarantula’s tracks “Pretty Wasted” and “Angry Cockroaches”.
  • There were several comments that the zombie groan sound is taken from Terraria. But in fact this sound is from a free sound library.
  • Lonesome Cactus motel from the first location of Tequila Zombies 2, as stated on it’s signboard, is opened for bikers and track drivers only. Same as Titty Twister bar.
  • Pink molerats are officially the most hated foes of the series.

Haters gonna hate!

  • “Join us” line, which zombies say in Tequila Zombies 2, was spelled by me. Deadites offered Ash to “join them” in Evil Dead series.
  • Headshots cause double damage.
  • Miguel was not able to jump in Tequila Zombies, so there were several comments that Mexicans can’t jump. In Tequila Zombies 2 Miguel starts to jump, and there appeared several comments that Mexicans can’t duck.
  • There are gratifies on the wall on the second location of Tequila Zombies 2 which refer to Tarantino’s movies.
  • Tequila Zombies 2 has a subtitle “Con Gusano”. Con Gusano is a special version of mezcal with a moth caterpillar Hipopta Agavis inside. It lives on agave leaves. In our case it refers to El Gusano de Diabolica – the main boss of the game.
  • There are four cars on the third location of Tequila Zombies 2. The first one is 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88, same as the Ash’s car from Evil Dead series. The second is DeLorean, from everybody-knows-where 😉 The third is Pussy Wagon from Kill Bill vol.2. And the last one is Mercury Monterey 1950 coupe. Same as the car of Silvester Stallone’s character from Cobra movie.
  • The favorite liquor of Miguel Tequila Crew (Tequila Zombies development team) is Zubrovka (herbal liqueur). But we drink tequila with great pleasure too ofc.

Zubrovka made by Bulbash — one of the favorite liquors of Tequila Zombies team. It’s not a spam! Drink alcohol responsibly!

  • Enemies may drop the packs of cash or a wallet. You can’t see it, but the wallet has “Bad Mother Fucker” stamp on it ofc.
  • Tequila Zombies 2 version becomes the X-Mas version in Christmas Eve.
  • There is a badge named “rockydennis” in Tequila Zombies 2. This is a tribute to the Kongregate user, who has beaten the first part 65 times then. Right now the counter is on 161.
  • Most of the badges in Tequila Zombies 2 are connected with Tarantino’s and Rodriguez’s movies, and the badges names references are obvious. But there are some badges that are not that clear. For example, to get Natural Born Killer badge you should kill 643 zombies. This is the body count of all Rodriguez’s movies by the moment the game was launched.
  • Jacueline’s second super power is named Ride the Lightning. This is a title of Metallica’s album, which was published 08.27.1984, the day my brother was born.
  • A lot of games has First Blood badge so Tequila Zombies 3 has Second Blood badge just for a change.
  • Miguel Tequila doesn’t smoke. And doesn’t text as well
  • Tequila Zombies was finished in two month. Tequila Zombies 2 — in five month. The third part was in development for about 18 month (but there were breaks)
  • There is an X-Wing on the second location of Tequila Zombies 2, left from the police station.

Yep, this is the X-Wing

There was an argument between me and the programmer of the game about this reference. I though that it can’t be unnoticed and there will be a lot of comments about x-wing in first week after the release. The programmer said that there are too many other references on the screen that will distract the players, and nobody will notice the ship. I lost — there is still not a single comment posted about it. Same goes for the Tie Fighter on the third level of Tequila Zombies 3.

  • My favorite comment about Tequila Zombies 2 so far is from BonewallJackson on Armor Games:
    «Alright, it’s a fun game, and I enjoy the Tarantion references. Not something I’d play from dusk till dawn, but a fun way to waste an afternoon. Overall I give it a hateful eight out of ten.»
  • Initially we planned to make five main levels and four minigame levels in Tequila Zombies 3. In the minigame the player was supposed to ride the bike and shoot zombies using machine gun. It was cut due to the budget limitations.

The first version of Tequila Zombies 3 map. Ambitious plans were ruined by the budget limits 🙁

  • The car mechanic wearing green hat from Tequila Zombies 3 is the brother of the car mechanic wearing red hat from Tequila Zombies 2.
  • Marion Town, which is the second level of Tequila Zombies 3, is named after John Wayne, who’s real name was Marion Robert Morrison. The plate with text “Be nice or get out” is hanged above the IriySoft office entrance.
  • There is a tree from IriySoft logo near Hangman’s Tree saloon in Tequila Zombies 3
  • Dogs from Tequila Zombies 2 are dobermans, dogs from Tequila Zombies 3 are rottweilers.
  • Four rooms in Hangman’s Tree saloon refer to four room of “Four Rooms” movie.
  • VHM means Vampire’s Hunter Magazine.
  • There is a wooden toilet on the second level of Tequila Zombies 3, and there is an Ingram gun on the stool near it. This is a reference to “Pulp Fiction” movie, “Golden Watch” episode.
  • Ugly Cupid’s aiming is designed so, that the Cupid can never hit you, if you stand still. Green Beret Cupid aims much better though.
  • There is a note “Client is always wrong” in the bar on the second level of Tequila Zombies 3. Same note was in the bar in “Desperado” movie.
  • We would put AC/DC’s “Back in Black” in the intro, when the chopper appears, if we were rich enough.
  • Jeff’s jacket has the following patches on it: Los Lobos — Jeff’s motor club name; President — means that Jeff is a president of the club; 1% — means outlaw biker; Men of Mayhem — means that Jeff killed someone for the club (in fact this is a mistake, because Los Lobos is a Mexican club, so there should be Los Asesinos de Dios patch, but sadly I realized it too late)
  • Jeff also has several tattoos: wolf with a cross on his shoulder — this is the club’s logo; web on his elbow means that Jeff was in a prison.
  • I’m a big fan of “Sons of Anarchy”, so Jeff’s character is inspired by this show.
  • Lightsaber was green at first. But it was changed after Star Wars 7 trailer was published.
  • There are “special thanks” to Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez and Denny Trejo in credits. It is for the endless inspiration and unquenchable creative potential, and for the years of working on hardcore movies.
  • Guitar Zombie on the third level of Tequila Zombies 3 is Vaughn Anderson, a musician who created the game’s soundtrack. He made it for free, so I decided to add him to the game. Look at the blood on his fingers – he rubbed it playing the main theme of the game over and over 🙂

Vaughn Anderson in the game and in real life

If you like the soundtrack (I’m sure you do!) you can buy it here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/tequila-zombies-3-things-to-die-for-game-soundtrack-ep/966758114 and support a great man.

  • The guys, who made the voice talent for the game, made it for free as well. And we are very thankful for that!
  • Most of the enemies and features from the second and the third parts were invented for the first part, but weren’t included in it for various reasons. For example, the giant spiders and green imps from part 2, and bats in part 3. We still have some features waiting for the next installment of the series. Groin Gun among them;)

Bat, imp and spider for TZ1

  • The motorcycle used by the characters in Tequila Zombies 3 is Ural 8 103-10 with cradle and mounted Maxim machine-gun. As it is said before, it was made for the mini-game where the characters were supposed to ride a bike and crumble the zombies using the machine-gun. The mini-game was cut, but the machine-gun remained.

24 комментария к “Tequila Zombies: curious, obvious and unexpected facts”

  1. you guys got me out of a lot of trouble thanks to this game, you made the childhood of millions of brazilians, i really wanted a part 4, but you don’t have the money to continue. I promise when I get rich I will give each of you a good amount. i love you guys, and i’m sorry for the bad english, i’m brazilian.

  2. Yo’ Know, i’m studying yo became a film Director, AND of courses i want to make a movie about TZ Franchise, I’m a big Fan since i was a Teenager, and i want to pay for al those amazings afternoons playing this games

  3. А в первой версии карты, где есть поезда и большие дома, там какие боссы задумывались?) И почему их не оставили?(

    • Планировалось 5 уровней, один из них — в движущемся поезде с проходом через вагоны (и по крыше тоже). Кроме того, планировалось несколько мини-игр, в том числе, гонка на мотоцикле с отстрелом зомби из пулемёта. Но бюджет не позволил.

      • Эх, так интересно было бы:(
        А планируется 4 часть игры? Постоянно все 3 игры переигрываю и охота еще новой:с

  4. Приветствую
    Классная серия игр!
    Только с ангдийским у меня паршиво: по байкеру в третьей части не понял Он изначально Мигеля и полицайку заманить хотел, или что?

    • Нет, они случайно встретились в начале игры и оказалось, что им по пути — вот Джефф и предложил вместе заскочить в одно место и забрать кое-что ценное. Заодно помог с транспортом — подогнал мотоцикл 🙂

  5. Huh. There more easter eggs than in a henhouse. A great series even though I hardly noticed a half of those references.
    So there’s a special uncensored version? Never seen that one. Where was it again?
    Speaking of, was there ever a standalone fullscreen version of these games? I’d like to play it outside of tiiiny lagging window on the browser page.

    • Sorry, but uncensored version was only in my dreams )’: I would like to get standalone version too, we was even thinking about making android console version for OUYA (even bought it), but, sadly, money talks

      • Meh, I am as hardcore PC (NB/PPC too) user as one can get, though I’ve had a PSP once, so OUYA games would be skipped.

        Say, maybe you are open for donations? About the same amount your Zubrovka costs.
        I cannot stand DLC and Premium Content, mainly because I prefer to play fullscreen via flash player, but I am willing to make some contribution, as your games certainly have earned it (the better ones, you’ve made pile of crap too, but such is the work of a developer).

        Maybe you should put a donation inbox at the top of your site? I’m hardly the only fan of your games.


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