CT Level Pack interview and current stuff

Check out this quick interview with our CEO about the mobile version of Cursed Treasure Level pack.


And an update on what we’re working on currently:

  • Battalion Commander port — we plan to have HTML5 and mobile versions of both parts
  • Takeover port — same platforms, hopefully this will allow us to make some new stuff based on this epic game later on
  • Moto Maniac sequel and mobile build
  • Cursed Treasure 2 update and localization
  • Gods Of Arena 2 — still on the very early stage, but we definitely have a strong will to make a solid sequel

Stay tuned, we’ll post updates on the upcoming game releases soon 🙂

13 комментариев к “CT Level Pack interview and current stuff”

  1. Is there still plan to make a Steam/commercial version of Tequila Zombies 2 — Tequila Zombies 2.5 or what were you guys going to name it?

    • We still hope to make a new installment of Tequila Zombies. Wouldn’t call it a ‘plan’ though 🙂 And if we make it, it will be something like Tequila Zombies 2 with some features from TZ3 for sure, so 2.5 is a good tag for it.

  2. Look forward to seeing what you do with Takeover. Really enjoyed that game. Wish there were more levels and a level editor for example. I have one request, if it’s not too rude to make a request: The click-drag to move units didn’t work reliably and makes my wrist ache! I WISH the game was click to select unit, click to select destination for example.


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